Justin’s all praise for Britney on Oprah
Friday, September 21, 2007

Justin Timberlake only had good things to say about former girlfriend Britney Spears despite her making headlines for out-of-the-ordinary behaviour.
“I haven’t spoken to her (Britney) in years. There’s no ill will. I have nothing but love for her. It’s funny because we dated each other at a time,” said Justin.
“She’s a great person, and I don’t know her as well as I did… What I do know about her is she has a huge heart.”
Meanwhile, Britney was ordered by a judge to hire a shrink or risk losing her kids — and she went out partying.
The troubled singer lived it up at two clubs hours after being told to get psychiatric help to beat her drug and booze demons.
An onlooker said, “If there was one week to stay at home with a cup of cocoa and a good book, this was it. It still doesn’t seem to have registered with her that she could lose her children.”
Britney and ex husband Kevin Federline (29) are battling over sons.